Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Shape Of The Cosmos

The concept of the World Tree , central to the mythologies of many different peoples on earth and one that i have include into the Silver Sky-vers.

                                                                      The Titans

Fourteen in number,two sets of septuplets, were born of the union of the primordial gods Order and Chaos. Each of the two sets of Titants were closer to one of their parents than the other. Together they created two great crystal trees; six tree trunks extending from a spherical body. From each of these trunks grow innumerable branches and at the end of these branches are the Crystal Spheres.

Inside each of the Crystal Spheres is is a cosmos and all with in orbits the Cosmic Axis which exists at the exact center of the sphere.

                                                                   When the Cosmos

Was first created there were only two true planes of existence

                                                                        the Aether

A turbulent sea of primeval matter,energy and spiritual forces and the Wholeness that it sustained.

                                                                          The Wholeness

The Wholeness is how modern day people refer to the earlier and now mythical state of the cosmos of the pre Sundering cosmos. During this lost time the spiritual and physical were one and the same,dream logic was a part of the world and symbol and metaphor were as real as the ground beneath was ones feat. Modern people can only theories on what living during this time was like,because they lack the frame of reference to comprehended it.

Then the titans went to war and in their fury the connection between the twin Cosmic Trees was nearly severed, the cosmos  broke and reformed. Where there had once been to planes now there were three.

                                                                  Astral  Plane

                                                            Aethereal Plane

                                                         Terrene(Material) Plane

The Astral and Terrene planes fell into a millenia long cycle of drifting in and out of sync. With the cosmos sundered Shamanism became a dead art as the spirits could no longer be reached. And civilization was completely destroyed and had to rebuild from scratch.


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