Thursday, April 16, 2015


The following is the first story set in the "Stories Of The Silver Sky" setting, while it is not "canon" it dose contain a many of the ideas that I have about the world. It's only five pages and I wrote it as part of Creative Writing assignment. Now i present Unfetered.


The moons Rubuera, Sulveni, Gildium were high in sky above the Imperial stadium. The atmosphere inside was tense as the string of drawn bow, down on the field two youths battled fiercely for the honor of their chapters; for theirs was the final bout in The Tourney. The opportunity and obligation of the Conservatory’s graduating students that had perused the path of martialism, to demonstrate the fruit of their training. Arahlin Ikar of Trion chapter and Imaric Corsae of Pentacon were the last of their duelist of their teams. Arahlin snarled in frustration as he was lifted into the air by a tentacle of solidified water. His golden eyes glanced at the horologe four minutes and fifty eight seconds remained. Then to Imaric's smug grayish red face and thought “that bastard thinks he's already won; and means on running out the time”.  Arahlin's poor judgment had gotten him into his current situation but Imaric's would get him out. Arahlin peripherally looked at the tentacle holding him aloft. Fine threads of Aether were spread throughout the water like the veins of a leaf. “Have to be quick “thought Arahlin, for if Imaric realized what he was about to do he'd be thrown from the ring into the water below. Arahlin's corona flared into a crackling, pale purple silvery nimbus of aetheral power. The tentacle moved to throw Arahlin but fell apart as Imaric howled in pain. Arahlin had touched his Aether to Imaric's and drove dissonance directly into his soul! On the offensive Arahlin charged across the ring, his body surging with the aether that he was channeling through it.

Imaric ceased his trembling and rose from the ring face impassive as a stone, having remembered in the midst of his agony the focal-meditate. He reached backwards to edge of the ring; Aether shot into water the Siphoning it for him. Imaric spun the water into a protective bubble around himself. He then began a flurry of stabbing motions towards the oncoming Arahlin, firing ice rods off the bubble. Undaunted by near ballistic projectiles Arahlin continued his advance. A shield of hardened, heated, air rippled before him, shattering the ice rods and boiling the shards to vapor. The fingers of Arahlin’s right hand moved as though he rapidly weaving complex string figures. Whitish silver rods of ectoplasm crystallized in the air above each of his fingers and the water vapor wrapped around them before freezing into ice. Imaric stopped his fusillade and poured the power that he’d been using to attack into reinforcing his bubble. Imaric’s own corona flared and he threw a hard punch firing a blast of aetheral force. Arahlin abandoned his shield of air; from the tone of the blast he knew that it would offer him no protection. He gritted his teeth and stabbed his left hand forwards driving a wedge of aethereal  force into the blast splitting it in twine. Its halves diffused by the barrier surrounding the field. There were subtler uses to the discipline of Fortis and Arahlin was of a mind to demonstrate. One of the ice encased rods began to vibrate with energy causing it to give off a faint whine. Arahlin flicked his hand forward launching the rod, Imaric’s bubble rippled from the force of the impact and very nearly popped! “To the void with this!” spat Imaric then he roared letting bubble collapsed and he charged out to meet Arahlin…siphoned water trailing behind him.
 Arahlin fired another charged rod which Imaric dodged by the mote of a degree. He then swung his arm upwards and the trailing sprayed into the air. Imaric made a chocking gasp as two of the rods struck him in the chest and other pained sounds as he fell to the ring. With a wave of his hand and a whips of Aether, Arahlin unbounded the working that sustained the impromptus water fountain.  He walked over to Imaric and said “yield”. Imaric looked into Arahlin eyes and sneered “to you scum?! Not life chance in void”! Then he struck, the water surged off the ring and cocooned Arahlin freezing to ice in the processes. Imaric slow rose to his feet baying laughter pained, the face plate of his helmet retracted. "As if I'd let something vile as you taint the even a fraction of Tourney's majesty by being declared it's champion; your participation is insult enough". Imaric cried out in pain as the very rod that had nearly collapsed his bubble speared him in the back! As Imaric struggled to his feet he noticed the air solidify into a globe around him. To hurt tired and to muster the power to escape the air globe, he howled in impotent rage as the globe carried him out off the platform and dropped him into the water. The stone bird cried signaling the end of the match. Arahlin fixed his gaze upon the judge’s booth, they were debating fiercely. Gritting his teeth Arahlin thought “a Duelists wins match, a team wins competitions I hope that I scored enough technical points off Corsae's gentry hind to give the team what we need”. For several minutes the judges deliberated, to Arahlin it felt like an eternity. Anxious coiled about him like a serpent as the judges announced their scores. Arahlin quickly tallied the numbers in his head then began to smile. Trion’s point total was put up on the scoreboard, with the points from the final match added they were leading Pentacon by two points the tourney was theirs! The attendees erupted some chanting Trion, others cursing the defeat of Pentacon these were the only people. Among the Pentacon supports were the bulk of the people saying the name Arahlin Ikar though they spoke it in same breath as their curses.
Planks extended from the sidelines to the area and battered and bruised the team of Trion dueling team limped, hobbled and ran to meet their hero. Ahead off all of them was a female Ketusin. She leapt the railing the second the barrier came down skipped across the water and bound on to the platform, long coat flapping behind her. She picked Arahlin up tossed him into the air and caught him. “You did it Rahli you showed them all”! “Tiny” said softly Arahlin. “Yes” she replied. “You’re holding me to tight”. “Oh, sorry “said Tiny sheepishly then she set him down. Arahlin looked up into her midnight blues eyes “I should them but I still haven’t told them”.  Tiny smiled with malicious anticipation then stepped back as Arahlin’s teammates surrounded him and showering him with praise. On crutches the team captain hobbled over to Arahlin” you did it, you won the tourney for us” she said. “Captain my ability should never have been in doubt”.  “I never doubted you Arahlin Ikar not once, but that isn’t the same as having a realistic estimation of your abilities, also I’m not your captain anymore”. Arahlin chuckled “I suppose your right about that Antonia”.  “While on the subject of your abilities” said Antonia annoyed. “Yes”?  Antonia punched Arahlin in the shoulder “how and when did you learn the Dissonance Spike, that is a working a very dangerous. The only way a student would normally be taught it is if they demonstrated a predilection for offensive applications Noesis; which you do not”? Arahlin shrugged “I learned it from a codex about a season age. I wanted a loaded die for the Tourney”.  “From whence did you get this codex”?  “I got it for Rahli” stated Tiny greenish silver arms folded. Antonia held her face as she gave an exasperated sigh turning to Tiny she said” Miliani please tell me that nothing untoward was involved in the acquisition of the codex. They could use something like that to try and disqualify him, costing us the Tourney”. “I swear on my ancestors that I did nothing illegal for the information” said Miliani sincerely.  A sly smile crept on to her face” However I can make no claims that my actions weren’t untoward”. “Oh gods grant me your protection” pleaded Antonia.
Arahlin’s friends and team parted as Tourney Presider Caelia approached. She presented him with the champion’s ring a loop of blades made from the finest glass that pulsed with silvery purple glow of aether.  Around the ring’s black stone was the tourneys’ date and Arahlin’s full name in raised letters. Presider Caelia asked all the standard questions asked of school graduate and triumphant athlete and Arahlin answered them all gracefully. Then she asked him he would like to say a few words, Arahlin looked to tiny who gave a little nod. With the speaker in hand Arahlin swept his gave around the stadium then said” I am Arahlin Ikar of House Spinae, but it’s my patronym that’s marked me my whole life. For my parents were Amittai and Honovi Ikar the leaders of the Dark Sceran pirate fleet. My father was killed when the fleet was finally navy finally caught the fleet, my mother was captured then  hung one week after I was born. To all of you that felt need to punish me for the crimes that my parents already paid for I have one thing to say…you can get down on your knees and kiss my red stripy ass”!  Arahlin handed the speaker back to Presider Caelia whose mouth hung open. He then once more looked around the stadium and basked in their mortified silence. Then Arahlin began to laugh first a little chuckle then nigh manically as the stadium erupted in outrage.

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