Sunday, April 12, 2015

The cosmos of "Stories of The Silver Sky".

The cosmos of "Stories of The Silver Sky" has existed in my mind in some form since I was in single digits, hard to believe but it's true; i had a very active imagination and was raised on sci-fi fantasy. Though my ideas have matured and been refined over the years, the very first images of this world came to at an early age; Islands adrift in a sea of silver ether that was lit by Sky-fire rather than stars. So what exactly is the world of "Stories of The Silver Sky".

A cosmos where space is not a vacuum and is filled with an omnipresent field of macroparticles known as the Mist,which also gives "space" which the natives refer to as the firmament a silvery coloration.  The cosmos is lit not by stars but Empyrean.

Eruptions of a volatile sub-realm into to normal reality, releasing energy and the building blocks of all matter. Some Empyrean are small others large,some last for an instant others persists for years. The rarest are the perpetuals which erupt forever,systems of planets form around them.

Conterminous with all of points in the cosmos is the Gleaming Sea.

Thought to be a manifestation or aspect of the Aethereal Plane, an ocean of energy subtly felt but rarely seen. Properly equipped ships can harness the power of the Gleaming Sea to rapidly travel the cosmos.

The Gleaming Sea has great currents that flow between Empyreans and and high mass objects creating a web of fast travel routs across the cosmos.

Magic is a major part of the Silver Sky and exist in two main forms.

A shamanistic form of magic that works by drawing upon the power of the spirits, this magic is now all but dead. When the cosmos  was sundered during the First War of the gods,reality was split in half where once there had been whole  now there was physical and spirittual, Terrene and Astral. With the Sundering the power of the spirits could no longer be invoked. Only those who are sworn to one of the Gods can still call upon the spirits. For the power,the numen  of the Gods acts as a bridge between the planes.

The other a psionic art called Aethercraft.  Aether is the most fundamental force-substance in the cosmos, it is also the very stuff from which souls are made. By natural talent or extensive training there are people who can tap into the latent power within their souls and achieve otherwise impossible feats.

"Any Sufficiently Analyzed Magic is indistinguishable from SCIENCE!"
— Agatha HeterodyneGirl Genius

While Aethercraft remains an Art, the Aether itself has been "Sufficiently Analyzed" Aetronic devices are ubiquities. Modern civilization in the Known Worlds is closer in terms of their tech-level to cyberpunk, rather than the quasi-medieval commonly seen in fantasy. The only reason that what we on earth would recognizes as normal technology developed at all, is that the"materials" necessary for the creation of Aetronics cannot be quickly produced.

The Known Worlds, is relatively small cluster of systems. In an extremely isolated region of the firmament,there is little beyond the Known Worlds for ten-thousand light years;though their are stories of "colonies" having been established somewhere during The Before Time.With a sole exception, It's been over ten thousand years since there was any contact between the Known Worlds and the colonies.

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