Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Broken Mirror.

                                                                Behold the multiverse.

I've posted about the world of"Stories Of The Silver Sky" even shared a writing sample, now I'm going to talk about my MASTER PLAN!  Until I think of a better title and copywrite it the story is to be called

                                        Broken Mirror Tales: A Multiversal Odyssey.

The story will center around multiple protagonist: a young woman rebelling an empire.A young Paladin of the Way fighting to stop the Arch-Heretic from conquering the Known Worlds and overturning the Way. A Hero who slew the God-Empress of the Demon Empire but do to a post battle misteleportation was lost out of time, until he was rescued a century after the war. There will be others.

All the protagonist were living coexistent lives in slightly different version of the Known Worlds,however something  happened and breaches in the multiversal membrane begin to open. The crux of the story is going to be the characters navigating the multiverse and trying find the cause of the breaches.

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