Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Technology in The Silver Sky.

Of all the things in my world the mundane technology remains the most nebulous. I even have the magic and magic tech better defined,see Arcana of the Silver Sky I-II-III. Perhaps I'm pulling from to many different sources, everything inspires me and I want include of it into my own worlds. Simply picking between one of the pre or early twentieth century punk genres, steam or diesel and loading the magic and cosmotheology that I've worked out would be the easiest thing to do.

However it's not what I'm going to do.  There several things that I want for this world, projectile weapons being dominate,some manor of gravity manipulation exist,light-based computing and telecommunication,a crystalline power source, travel between worlds inspired by the age of sail with trips between system taking months if one takes the long way, some form of cybernetics and direct mind machine controls,video games despite most other computer technology being around the level
of early twentieth century earth.  Some manor of three dimensional medium of data storage. There are also some technologies that I don't, A.I, widespread use of directed energy weapons, trasnhumanist technologies beyond the cybernetics, information technology developed to a point comparable with or exceeding that which is available in the real world, atomic weapons.

A logical explanation for how and why the worlds in the cosmos went down these paths of technical development is something that eludes me and I'm more than open to ideas.

What would civilization look like in the modern cosmos? A lot like the world seen in Final Fantasy VII;which brings us back to Dieselpunk. Electrogravitic hovercraft are ubiquities ranging in sizes from one person conveyances to gargantuan fortress-ships. People go to Kinemas and watch motiles, they listen to music on portable media players encoded on data-cylinders,higher end models can display video as well. The more developed worlds can travel to their neighbors or even to other systems by cutting through sub-space also called the near-void.

A single crystal substance fuels the mundane aspects of civilization Thunderstone(unless I can come up with a cooler name), the most potent and efficient fuel source that naturally exist. It comes from the Empyrean generated by their processes. These crystals drift across the comos until they fall onto a world. People mine the veins of the Thunderstone that were formed when the crystal was trapped inside a planet as it formed;And occasionally the sites where it falls to their planets. It's power which at the highest grades is comparable to antimatter is not the only reason why Thunderstone is the Ideal fuel. It's stability is the other Thunderstone is only detonated by four things resonance,percussion,electricity and Thunderstone emissions. If heated past a certain point Thunderstone will evaporate. Higher grades of Thunderstone can be synthesized through a complex process of sublimation and condensation,with each successive cycle  compounding the potency of the product. This process carries considerable risk because the synthesis process can release the energy of Thunderstone. Synthetic stones are often unstable and must store with care. Natural or Synthetic high grade Thunderstone is the mundane WMD of choice in the Silver Sky; Stone the site from orbit it's the only way to be sure.

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