Sunday, June 28, 2015


Elementalism, the drawing power from or manipulation of the elements is a very old idea. There are many several different element schemes across the world,classical Greek,Indian,Chinese,Japaneses etc. In fiction elementalism is one of the most common systems of magic,because  of it's historic weight and simplicity. There is no need for ten page explanation for what it means when a person has power over flame or earth. Elementalism also was the very first magic system that I ever devised,though I was much to young to realize that was what I had done. When I made up worlds with Legos,k'nex or whatever. the powers that I'd assigned them were element in nature.  I find myself revisiting to the idea of elemental magic and If I implement it the cosmotheology would have to be slightly changed and Aethercraft would have to be replaced entirely.

The cosmos was created by the Outergods common called the Titans, they were the children of the Archgods Order and Chaos. The Titans were six in number and they were named Aether,Fire,Air,Water,Wood and Earth. With their combined might they crafted existence from the substance of the abyss and at the heart of their creation the Titans placed the Source. A perpetual engine that sustain reality for all time. Mortals have come to call that place at the true center of the cosmos the Sea of Souls.

It is from the Sea of Souls that the first souls emerged and they carried with them a faint echo of the Titans power. Mortal beings who through training or birth could tap this Prime-energy, that was latent within their souls could wield the power of the Titans.

In elder time before the Sundering they were known as the Miraculous-Ones and treated with an almost worshipful level of deference, called Adepts or Elementalist in the modern cosmos the treatment that they receive is far more humble. While the mortal soul was born of the combined essences of the six Titans rare is the Adept that can adequately manifest all six elements, most can only manifest two. With Adept possessing a primary and secondary element. Rarer than possessing a command of all six elements are those who can command only one. These individuals possesses a Hyper-affinity for their element, it is so strong that interferes with Adepts ability to command other elements. Those with Hyper-affinity are instruments that can produce but a single note however they do so with greater with far grater strength and clarity than those that lack their overpowering affinity.

The Six Elements each have a lower Exoteric form and a higher Esoteric form, accessing the Esoteric form of an element requires a high affinity for that element.

Esoteric Aether: manipulates the mind and soul.

Esoteric Fire: infuses things with energy. a destructive infusion rips thing apart a positive one increases  their potential energy.

Esoteric Air: manipulates inertia and kinetic energy.

Esoteric Water: manipulates entropy and increases metaphysical malleability.

Esoteric Wood: manipulates life force and through it living systems. Growth,consumption,assimilation,parasitism. are all with in this domain.

Esoteric Earth: manipulates the forces that produce mass and weight as well as generate virtual mass. It also reinforces metaphysical integrity.

Alchemy: Is a very specialized discipline within the the art of elementalism. By its very nature elementalism alters the behavior of the element being controlled however those changes are temporary and  touch the elements nature. Alchemy however can create permanent change in form and nature. Three Elements in their Esoteric forms are required to perform transmutations Water to dissolve Aether as a medium Earth to coagulate. With alchemy's complexity simply being able to perform the act transmutation is not enough. One has to know the proper formula and have the skill to execute it in order to transmute something

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