Thursday, May 21, 2015

Arcana of the Silver Sky Part-II

As stated In the First Arcana of the Silver Sky  There are three core type of magic...

                                                                   The Inner Path.



And now we dive deeper into their aspects and permutation.

                                                                     The Canny

Are a rare breed some would call them mutants, these individuals naturally possesses the heightened physical and mental capabilities normally associated with devotes to the Inner Path. The Canny's normally exhibit a single enhancement, however the possession of multiples is not unheard of. A Canny may go their entire lives without ever realizing what they are. Some scholars theorize that innate/born Aethercrafters are simply another one of the myriad Canny strains.

                                                        The Spirit-Touched/Spiritborn

Those with the blood of the Spirits in their veins were rare in the Before Time and are thought of as non existent in the modern cosmos. One or more of a Touched ancestors was exposed to the numinous power of a Spirit in such a way that an imprint was left on their bloodline from that point on. This Imprint may have come about do to the ancestor having received a very potent endowment/boon from a Spirit, A life lived as the Avatar or Agent of a Spirit, direct descent from an incarnate Spirit or Spirit Person fusion.


As said in the previous Arcana Spritism is essentially a dead art in the modern cosmos, a consequence of the sundering. The devotes of the Gods are the only people who can directly tap the power of the spirits. The Gods dwell in the Supernal Realm a plane of their own design existing "above" the sea of souls,the deepest part of the Aetheral plane. The numina of the Gods flows from their realm and touches all planes. And resonates with compatible Spirits, through the numina those Sprits can touch the touch the physical world.  A priest can tap the power of all the Sprits with whom their god resonates. Priests are also lucky, fate is in part the will of the Gods and as agents of that will they have"smooth sailing" as long as they act in harmony with that will.


Every person has two souls the normal soul that houses their consciousness and a sleeping soul,their Daemon. This Daemon is incredibly powerful however it is atavistic in nature, devoid of morality or restraint,wickedly clever and intuitive but irrational. There are Aethercraft techniques that can awaken the Daemon and bring it into physical realm. And they each hold their own dangers and advantages.

Manifestation: Creates a body for the Daemon from ectoplasm, a process not to dissimilar to how Revenants take physical form. The forms that Daemons take are often animalistic in nature,combining elements from different species or being an idealized representation of a single animal. Once summoned into the world a Daemon will begin to grow in power and intelligence and will eventually begin attempting to break free of their host or worse reverse the relationship and control the summoner. Unless the Summoner has cultivated their own strength  and kept pace with their Daemon it will succeed. If the Daemon breaks free the Summoner will soon die of the terrible spiritual that they have suffered and so will the Daemon. The Summoner and Daemon are of the same being, if one dies the other will as well. However a Daemon can stave off it's dissolution by consuming the spiritual energies of other people, or by possessing a victim in the process supplanting or subsuming their native Daemon in the process. The only way to save the Summoner is to bind the escaped and place it back into them. If the Daemon instead takes control of the Summoner, then the situation is in someways more dire. Working through a proxy the Daemon can not only wreck untold havoc it is possible for the Daemon to avoid detection for years.

Incarnation: Is by it's very nature potentially lethal. The Summoner uses their own body as the medium for Summoning the Daemon, a single mistake would prove disastrous. When successfully performed the Summoner is transformed into a monstrous creature,gaining inhuman physical abilities and a host of other benefits that come taking on a more fluid state of existence. Incarnates are far stronger than Manifested Daemons,because during Incarnation the Daemon and Summoner merge into a single entity combining the power of their Souls. Sometimes the merger becomes permanent resulting in a new individual entirely.


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