Saturday, June 13, 2015


Fate is an ineffable and all pervasive force in the cosmos, nearly everything is pulled along by it's threads. From the smallest mote of matter to the Empyrean. There are several relationships that one can have to fate. Those who are simply carried along by the flow have what is seen as normal luck, Those who are in tune with flow instinctively moving with it's currents and eddies have good luck, Those who are out of tune with the flow are tossed around and smashed against the metaphoric rock they have bad luck. Then you have the Fate-Dynamics. They alone are not passively carried along by the flow of fate, more than being immovable,which alone would be an amazing metaphysical  state, they can pervasive the flow,the weft and weave of fate and can alter it. A Fate-Dynamics ability to read fate takes the form of an intuitive grasp of the possible outcomes of any situation that they find themselves in. Their fate alteration works in conjunction with fate-reading. Fat-Dynamics can divert the flow if they are fast enough however the more likely the outcome to be diverted and the more unlikely the outcome that the flow is being diverted towards the more difficult and demanding that the diversion will be.

The Power to change change fate is not one that comes cheaply, in addition to being mentally and physically demanding Fate-Dynamics incur a karmic charge/debt with every twisting of fate that they perform. When the charge exceeds a Fate-Dynamics ability to contain it will painful explode from their being. Contaminating themselves and everything around them with chaotic(mostly bad) luck. While the errant luck will eventually dissipate it causes untold levels of havoc for the persons,places and things contaminated. The fates born of this luck cannot be twisted away by the Fate-dynamic that released it.

Fate-Dynamism is an incredibly rare trait to possess rarer still are those that manifest the power and attain conscious control over the ability;they are literally one out of tens of millions. So rare is the ability that most people are not even aware that Fate-Dynamism exist,beyond the stories of usually lucky and the myths of Heroes that could cheat fate. The most recent of such myths is the canon of the Laughing-Rouge who claimed the Supernal Throne at the end of Machine-Gods war,becoming the new High-God.  Some theoretical metaphysicist  hypothesize that Fate-Dynamic individuals exist and it is they who coined the term.

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