Monday, March 30, 2015


Stories of the Silver Sky has a Genre and that is Science-Fantasy!

Because I Refuse to chose between Sword&Laser! I love the trappings,tropes and conventions of both Science-Fiction and Fantasy and see no reason why I should have to chose between the two of them.

Why not indeed? Unfortunately not everyone feels this way,in fact there are many in the genre fiction community who vehemently oppose any cross-pollination between the two titans of genre fiction.
Fantasy,Science fiction and their myriad sub-genres must be kept strictly separate, segregated into their own separate but equal sphere of the  genre space. The Gross commercial success of a genre hybrid, the Star Wars series, is viewed as precisely that gross. A mongrel a bastard that dilutes the purity of it's parent genres.

This obsession with genre purity is as far as I can tell is a primarily western phenomenon. In the Land Of the rising Sun their are many examples of a Science Fiction work containing fantastic elements,or a Fantasy World that incorporates advanced technologies either  as part of the "modern" world or in the form ruins from a lost age; or  magic filtered through a scientific lens.

My genre had been staring me in the face for years without me ever realizing it.


Sunday, March 29, 2015

It begins!

Hello welcome to my Blog my name is Ubaydullah. And no despite having an Arabic name i am not of Middle Eastern descent nor am i from an Islamic country outside the middle east. I'm an American,a red blooded American male! A young man in his prime and most relevant to this Blog a life long fan of science fiction and fantasy. I'm also technically an eighties baby, i was born in and lived the first six or so months of  my life in the year nineteen eighty nine;so yes i do considered myself a child of the eighties.

My mother sat me down in front of the TV to watch Star Trek:Next Generation,Deep Space 9,Voyager and I saw the Star Wars original trilogy on VHS tapes. There was also SeaQuest and Star Gate SG-1,she wouldn't let me watch Babylon-5.

I watched many of the shows that those who were raised in the nineties did,Poke'mon, Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z. Being part of the 90s anime Fandom lead me to Jrpgs!

Seeing an art style similar to the one from the anime, I was drawn to those. Star Ocean,Grandia and Saga Frontier were among the first that I played and they'll always hold a special place in my heart.

Now unto what this blog is actually about, after years of reading other peoples stories and peering into their worlds I have decided to create my own.  The above media are my earliest outside influence. They were my first teachers in the arts of story telling and world-building,though there are many others.

My goal is to build a world,a grand stage on which the stories that exist in my mind can unfold. This blog is going to serve as the showcase for that.